I am going to write about when I saw Miranda! An argentinian
pop band that I like since I was like six or seven years old. This concert was
actually this year, on June 2nd, it was exactly a year after the last concert
they gave here in Santiago, but this year they were going to present their last
album, Fuerte. It was in Teatro Caupolicán, and I went with my best friend,
Pablo (it was his first concert ever!). I enjoyed so much this concert because
I was not supposed to go in the first place, because I didn’t have the money.
But, around ten days before the concert, I asked money from my mom and dad as a
gift for my birthday and a few days before buying my ticket I found five
thousand pesos in the street, and I could buy my ticket. My mother gave me her
debit card I bought it from internet. The worst part of it was that when I was
accepting the sale, I actually bougt two tickets! So I instantly called my best
friend and I told him if he would like to go with me. Miranda! Is actually a
band that we both love (and he wanted to go but he could not because he was
saving money for a trip), so he said yes. That day was awesome, we were standig
right in front of the band and we jumped and me screamed untill we were really
tired. After that, we were to a Burger King, so the night was perfect.