martes, 21 de noviembre de 2017

Fiestas Patrias

I actually, and as a really unpopular opinión, don’t like Fiestas Patrias. And that maybe would be because when I was Little, the only thing we would do for that holiday is going to my Grandad’s house in the beach. You may find this very funny, but I’ve always hated spending more tan one hour sitting in a car to travel and El Tabo is almost three hours away from Santiago, and as it is my Grandfather’s house, I have always go there so I don’t find it very interesting. Also I don’t like all the patriotic stuff so I don’t enjoy it very much.

Actually, this holidays I didn’t went to any fonda or something like that. I just dedicated my time to hang out with my best friend and watching movies, and obviously do things for my workshop clases, because they won’t let us rest. In my house my family made a lunch for celebrating all together, but that’s all. The funniest thing about that was my Little cousin Isabel, who was almost two months at the moment, and I like babies so I spend most of the time in that lunch taking care of her and playing with her.

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